学术报告:WaterConservation—a Global Problem
题目:WaterConservation—aGlobal Problem
报告人:B.K.Robertson, PhD. Professor & Executive Director
报告人单位:Departmentof Biological Sciences, Alabama State University, Montgomery AL
Professorand Executive Director Alabama StateUniversity, Montgomery, AL August 2008 to present.Executive Director ofthe Graduate Programs (MS and PhD) as well as the EnvironMentors, DOE &AGEP-T Programs (externally funded programs). Chair of theInstitutional Biosafety Committee and Coordinator of the MarineBiology program at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab in Alabama. Major researchadvisor for B.S., M.S. and PhD students.Current research focuses on the fate oftoxic chemicals or xenobiotics that are either deliberately or accidentallydischarged in the environment (water, soil and sediment). Also study diversepopulation of microorganisms and factors that influence their ability tonaturally detoxify xenobiotics including bioremediation of other environmentalcarcinogens and toxicants as well as studies of human gut microbiome and itsrelevance to common diseases.
Accessto safe water is s fundamental human need and, therefore a basic human right.Contaminated water jeopardizes both the physical and social health of allpeople. It is an affront to human dignity.” Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General,1997-2006. Our world has serious water crisis right now. Almost 1.2 Billionpeople in the world live without clean drinking water. And this is happeningeverywhere including the United States but especially in Sub-Saharan Africa,Latin America and Northeast Asia. Water not only affects what we eat and drink,but it affects everything including education, health, poverty, and especiallywomen and children. Most of the countries with water crisis such as India,Spain, North Africa, Australia, Northern China have poor people living on lessthan a dollar a day. Most of the people do not have water facet where they canturn on and off. Many walk up to 3 hours a day to collect water that is highlycontaminated. Some women spend more time collecting water then doing anythingelse. And the water may be contaminated with microorganisms that may causediarrhea, typhoid fever, cholera, other water-borne diseases. About every 19seconds a mother loses her child to water related illness. People who live indeveloping countries spend up to 25% of their income on drinking water. Thispresentation is designed to acquaint you with the urgency and need forinnovative technology to preserve our water supply.