


性别:女 职称:教授/硕士生导师 Email:qihua@scau.edu.cn 办公电话: 办公地址:威尼斯欢乐娱人v3676108


2012/09-2017/06  中山大学生命科学学院            博士
2008/09-2012/06  北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院  学士


2021.01至今            华南农业大学,教授
2020.02-2020.12     中山大学生命科学学院,特聘研究员
2017.08-2020.01     中山大学生命科学学院,博士后
2015.04-2016.03     香港中文大学生命科学学院,助理研究员


Frontiers in Plant Science 审稿人






1. 广东省科学技术厅,重点领域研发计划项目,2020B202090001,基于代谢组学的水稻病虫抗性与产量平衡机制研究,2020-09至2023-08,1500万元,参加
  2. 广东省自然科学基金管理委员会,面上项目,E3泛素连接酶SINATs依赖14-3-3s调控植物自噬起始的分子机理,2022-01至2024-12,10万元,主持
  3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31800217,拟南芥自噬调控ACBP1-ERF VII复合体稳态参与低氧响应的分子机理,2019-01至2021-12,25万元,主持
  4. 广东省自然科学基金管理委员会,自由申请项目,2018A030313210,拟南芥泛素化修饰调控植物自噬起始的功能研究,2018-05至2021-04,10万元,主持
  5. 中国博士后科学基金会,特别资助项目,2018T110905,拟南芥TRAF1蛋白的磷酸化调控植物自噬起始的功能研究,2018-03至2020-02,15万元,主持
  6. 中国博士后科学基金会,面上项目,2017M620399,拟南芥接头分子TRAF1蛋白调控植物自噬起始的功能研究,2017-09至2019-08,8万元,主持


1. Qi H#, Xia FN, Xiao S*, and Li J*. (2021) TRAF proteins as key regulators of plant development and stress responses. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13182. (中科院大类一区,IF5=6.002)
2. Qi H#, Xia FN#, and Xiao S*. (2021) Autophagy in plants: Physiological roles and post-translational regulation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 63: 161–179. (中科院大类一区,IF5=6.002 )
3. Qi H#, Li J#, Xia FN, Chen JY, Lei X, Han MQ, Xie LJ, Zhou QM, and Xiao S*. (2020) Arabidopsis SINAT proteins control autophagy by mediating ubiquitylation and degradation of ATG13. Plant Cell 32: 263–284. (中科院大类一区,IF5=12.061)
4. Qi H#, Xia FN#, Xie LJ#, Yu LJ, Chen QF, Zhuang XH, Wang Q, Li F, Jiang L, Xie Q, and Xiao S*. (2017) TRAF-family proteins regulate autophagy dynamics by modulating AUTOPHAGY PROTEIN6 stability in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 29: 890–911. (中科院大类一区,IF5=12.061)
5. Zhou Y#, Tan WJ#, Xie LJ#, Qi H, Yang YC, Huang LP, Lai YX, Tan YF, Zhou DM, Yu LJ, Chen QF, Chye ML, and Xiao S*. (2020) Polyunsaturated linolenoyl-CoA modulates ERF-VII-mediated hypoxia signaling in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 62: 330–348. (中科院大类一区,IF5=6.002)
6. Huang L#, Yu LJ#, Zhang X, Fan B, Wang FZ, Dai YS, Qi H, Zhou Y, Xie LJ, and Xiao S*. (2019) Autophagy regulates glucose-mediated root meristem activity by modulating ROS production in Arabidopsis. Autophagy 15: 407–422. (中科院大类一区,IF5=16.586)
7. Chen L#, Su ZZ#, Huang L, Xia FN, Xie LJ, Qi H, Xiao S*, and Chen QF*. (2017) The AMP-activated protein kinase KIN10 is in the regulation of autophagy in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1201. (中科院大类二区,IF5=6.612)
8. Wang FZ#, Chen MX#, Yu LJ#, Xie LJ, Yuan LB, Qi H, Xiao M, Guo WX, Chen Z, Yi KK, Zhang JH, Qiu RL, Shu WS, Xiao S, and Chen QF*. (2017) OsARM1, an R2R3 MYB transcription factor, is involved in regulation of the response to arsenic stress in Rice. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1868.  (中科院大类二区,IF5=6.612)
9. Chen L#, Liao B#, Qi H, Xie LJ, Huang L, Tan WJ, Zhai N, Yuan LB, Zhou Y, Yu LJ, Chen QF, Shu W, and Xiao S*. (2015) Autophagy contributes to regulation of the hypoxia response during submergence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Autophagy 11: 2233–2246. (中科院大类一区,IF5=16.586)
  10. Chen QF#, Xu L#, Tan WJ#, Chen L, Qi H, Xie LJ, Chen MX, Liu BY, Yu LJ, Yao N, Zhang JH, Shu W, and Xiao S*. (2015) Disruption of the Arabidopsis defense regulator genes SAG101, EDS1, and PAD4 confers enhanced freezing tolerance. Molecular Plant 8: 1536–1549. (中科院大类一区,IF5=16.357)


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